Haydovchili avto-ijara
"VIP" tourer Toshkent


24/7 kecha-kunduz


Yo'l harakati politsiyasi (DAN) - kontaktlar va so'rovlar Haydovchilar uchun yangiliklar O'zbekistonda avtomobil bozori. - Божхона расмийлаштиш қанча туради

Captiva Chevrolet LT, LTZ

Avtomobil bo'sh, hoziroq buyurtma brishingiz mumkin.

Captiva avtoulovlariga xizmat ko'rsatish - Narxli narxlar

Bahosi: "CITY VIP" (soatlik stavka).
* "ORDER" - tushdan keyin - min. ikki soatlik buyurtma - 150 ming so'mdan - soatiga 55 ming so'mdan. (15 $ -5 $).
* "KUN" - ertalabki soat 08 dan kechki 6 gacha - 500 ming so'mdan - soatiga 55 ming so'mdan. (55 $ -5 $).
* "NIGHT" - soat 18 dan - birinchi soatga buyurtma berish - 150 ming so'mdan - uzaytirish soatiga 75 ming so'mdan. (15 $ -7 $).
Tarif: "Tog'lar";
Chimyon, Chorvoq, Beldersoy, Barrel, dam olish maskanlari,
* bir kun uchun - 500 ming so'mdan. (65 dollar).
* bir yo'l - 350 ming so'mdan. (40 dollar).
Tarif: "SHAHAR UCHUN"; (u erga bir kun)
* 1 km - 1500sum, kutish vaqti - 50 ming so'm.
* 1 km - 0,25 / $, kutish - bir soat - 7 / $.
Tarif: "BY CITY"; (uzoq muddatli)
* 1 km - 1200 kv., Sutkasiga - 400 ming so'mdan,
* Shahar bo'yicha VIP - 1,2 million so'mdan (kuniga).
* 1 km - 0,25 / $, sutkasiga - 40 / $ dan,
* Shaharlar uchun VIP - 150 / $ dan (kuniga).
Tarif: "TRANSFER" aeroporti - mehmonxona - aeroport:
* Buyurtma - 200 ming so'm, uzatish - soatiga 75 ming so'm. (25 $ -10 $).
Tarif: "TO'YLAR" shahri;
* 400 ming so'mdan (minimal buyurtma - 5 soat, keyin - 75 tn / soat).
* 40 / $ dan (minimal buyurtma 5 soat, keyin 10 / $ soat).

Ko'rish va qo'ng'iroq qilish

Toshkentda haydovchi bilan mashina ijaraga oling

Captiva Chevrolet LT, LTZ - Travel - business trips to cities of Uzbekistan - to the mountains.
Captiva is the embodiment of luxury cars, functionality - power. Smooth bends and clear lines provide instant recognition. It is not only gorgeous, but also famous for its convenience, it has a spacious lounge that will delight guests in lush luxurious outfits.
The extensive range of cars in the modern model range of manufacturers does not prevent well-known brands from supporting the popularity of the most interesting options in this class. In compact crossovers, each manufacturer seeks to offer the most practical and convenient cars for the Russian consumer, because this segment is traditionally considered one of the most active. Chevrolet Captiva has become one of the most striking options in its segment.
The update affected not so much the design as the technical characteristics and the main technological features of the model. Chevrolet proposed a more dynamic technique, more comfort and saturation in the interior. Reasonably planned interior - the main competitive advantages of the crossover.

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